During the first funding
period of the SPP 1391 Ultrafast
Nanooptics, we have developed advanced material models for quantitative
computations of nanosplasmonic systems and have applied them to a number of
challenging problems. In the course of this, several methodical advances of the
Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain (DGTD) approach have been realized. Below,
we list a few highlights of this research.
Advanced excitations: Electron energy losss spectra via DGTD:
During the past two to
three years, there has been a considerable increase in activities to
characterize plasmonic nanostructures via electron energy loss spectroscopy
(EELS) as this, e.g., provides unprecedented spatial resolution. Corresponding
computational approaches that can handle such problems are scarce and mostly
based on frequency-domain boundary element methods. Much the same can be said
regarding experiments and computations of cathodoluminescence signals.
On the other hand, we feel
that spatial resolution provided by EELS might be highly advantageous for
addressing the questions regarding nonlocal behavior of metallic nanoparticles
(as discussed below). Therefore, we have augmented our initially proposed
research plan by the extension of the DGTD method to EELS computations (PNFA 9,
367 (2011). As a matter of fact, this work has been the first to demonstrate
how to determine electron energy loss spectra via a time-domain approach and
thus opens the avenue of analyzing nonlinear effects both within EELS and cathode-luminescence.
Together with the group of Stefan Linden, we have thus been to
characterize both experimentally and theoretically, the resonances of metallic
C-shaped nano-particles and complementary C-shaped nano-apertures, thus
providing an interesting elucidation of Babinet's principle (Opt. Mater. Expr.
1, 1009 (2011); see also Fig. 1).
Hydrodynamic model for the ultrafast nonlinear optical response of
metallic nanostructures:
Within this model, the
conduction electrons within a metallic nanoparticle are treated as a plasma in
confined geometry. Consequently, the Maxwell equations have to be solved simultaneously together with the
corresponding plasma equations. This results in a highly nonlinear set of PDEs
which requires considerable care.
For instance, the plasma
equations alone already admit shock-wave type solutions within certain
parameter ranges. Clearly, such shock waves are unphysical in the present
situation of conduction electrons in a rather lossy metal. Nevertheless,
numerical errors may build-up and lead to the formation of shock waves,
especially - as we had to find out very painfully - in three dimensional
systems with rather sharp corners or edges. Consequently, we have implemented
an automated shock-capturing scheme for our DGTD package.
In addition, the nonlinear
nature of hydrodynamical model also leads to considerable increases of
computational time relative to linear calculations on the same mesh.
Consequently, we have developed optimized time-stepping schemes (J. Comput.
Phys. 231, 364 (2012)). Nevertheless, the speed-up provided by this approach
can be further increased by moving from a CPU-based code to a GPU-based version
(GPU = graphic processing unit). Since extensive parameter studies such as
those required in the ongoing and future collaborations with experimental partners
have to be conducted in a finite amount of time, we have chosen to port our
DGTD package to GPU-based platforms. The first results (see Fig. 2) have
exceeded our wildest expectations - which have been around a speed-up of at
least 10 for realistic computations. Note, that the speed-up factors reported
in Fig. 3 are for a dual six-core CPU computation, i.e., we obtain a speed-up
factor of about 350 relative to a single-core computation. These improvements
in computational efficiency will be a real asset in our future work both
regarding more advanced computational schemes as described in the research
program as well as with regard to the collaboration with the experimental
groups within the SPP.
Notwithstanding these
technical improvements, we have implemented, tested and applied the hydrodynamic
model. First, we have considered nonlinear effects, in particular, the case of
wave mixing phenomena
Fig. 3, we display the result of a computation where a gold sphere of radius
200 nm has been illuminated with a high-intensity pulse that contains two
closely-spaced carrier frequencies. Obviously and as expected, the hydrodynamic
model exhibits a rather rich nonlinear response which we are presently exploiting
for the analysis of resonant SHG processes.
Efficient low-storage Runge–Kutta schemes with optimized stability regions
J. Niegemann, R. Diehl, and K. Busch
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2012) 364
A variety of numerical calculations, especially when considering wave propagation, are based on the method-of-lines, where time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs) are first discretized in space. For the remaining time-integration, low-storage Runge–Kutta schemes are particularly popular due to their efficiency and their reduced memory requirements. In this work, we present a numerical approach to generate new low-storage Runge–Kutta (LSRK) schemes with optimized stability regions for advection-dominated problems. Adapted to the spectral shape of a given physical problem, those methods are found to yield significant performance improvements over previously known LSRK schemes. As a concrete example, we present time-domain calculations of Maxwell’s equations in fully three-dimensional systems, discretized by a discontinuous Galerkin approach.
Spatio-spectral characterization of photonic meta-atoms with electron energy-loss spectroscopy
F. von Cube, S. Irsen, J. Niegemann, C. Matyssek, W. Hergert, K. Busch, and S. Linden
Optical Materials Express 1 (2011) 1009
Scanning transmission electron microscopy in combination with electron energy-loss spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the spatial and spectral characterization of the plasmonic modes of lithographically defined photonic meta-atoms. As an example, we present a size dependence study of the resonance energies of the plasmonic modes of a series of isolated split-ring resonators. Furthermore, we show that the comparison of the plasmonic maps of a split-ring resonator and the corresponding complementary split-ring resonator allows a direct visualization of Babinet’s principle. Our experiments are in good agreement with numerical calculations based on a discontinuous Galerkin time-domain approach.
Computing electron energy loss spectra with the Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain method
C. Matyssek, J. Niegemann, W. Hergert, and K. Busch
Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications 9 (2011) 367
In this work, we demonstrate how to extract electron energy loss spectra of metallic nano-particles from time-domain computations. Specifically, we employ the Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain (DGTD) method in order to model the excitation of individual metallic nano-spheres and dimers of spheres by a tightly focussed electron beam. The resulting electromagnetic fields that emanate from the particles act back on the electrons and the accumulated effect determines the electrons’ total energy loss. We validate this approach by comparing with analytical results for single spheres. For dimers, we find that the electron beam allows for an efficient excitation of dark modes that are inaccessible for optical spectroscopy. In addition, our time-domain approach provides a basis for dealing with materials that exhibit a significant nonlinear response.
Discontinuous Galerkin methods in nanophotonics
K. Busch, M. König, and J. Niegemann
Laser Photonics Reviews 5 (2011) 773
Nanophotonic systems facilitate a far-reaching control over the propagation of light and its interaction with matter. In view of the increasing sophistication of fabrication methods and characterisation tools, quantitative computational approaches are thus faced with a number of challenges. This includes dealing with the strong optical response of individual nanostructures and the multi-scattering processes associated with arrays of such elements. Both of these aspects may lead to significant
modifications of light-matter interactions. This article reviews the state of the recently developed discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the efficient numerical treatment of nanophotonic systems. This approach combines the accurate and flexible spatial discretisation of classical finite
elements with efficient time stepping capabilities. The underlying principles of the discontinuous Galerkin technique and its application to the simulation of complex nanophotonic structures are described in detail. In addition, formulations for both time- and frequency-domain solvers are provided and specific advantages and limitations of the technique are discussed. The potential of the discontinuous Galerkin approach is illustrated by modelling and simulating several experimentally relevant systems.
Stretched coordinate PMLs for Maxwell's equations in the discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method
M. König, C. Prohm, K. Busch, and J. Niegemann
Optics Express 19 (2011) 4618
The discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method (DGTD) is an emerging technique for the numerical simulation of time-dependent electromagnetic phenomena. For many applications it is necessary to model the infinite space which surrounds scatterers and sources. As a result, absorbing boundaries which mimic its properties play a key role in making DGTD a versatile tool for various kinds of systems. Popular techniques include the Silver-Müller boundary condition and uniaxial perfectly matched layers (UPMLs). We provide novel instructions for the implementation of stretched-coordinate perfectly matched layers in a discontinuous Galerkin framework and compare the performance of the three absorbers for a three-dimensional test system.