Ultrafast nanooptics

3rd International Workshop on Ultrafast Nanooptics (UNO-3)

From June, 16-19, 2013, the "3rd International Workshop on Ultrafast Nanooptics (UNO-3)” was held in Bad Dürkheim. This workshop continued the series started with a "Else and Wilhelm Heraeus Seminar" in 2008 in Bad Honnef/Germany and the "UNO-2" held also in Bad Dürkheim/Germany in 2010. The advances in the rapidly evolving field of ultrafast nanooptics was presented and discussed. In addition the workshop served as the annual meeting of the priority program members.

Invited speakers:

Ilya Akimov (Universität Dortmund, Germany)

Javier García de Abajo (Instituto de Química-Física-CSIC, Madrid, Spain)

Hrvoje Petek (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

Markus B. Raschke (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)

Mark Stockman (Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA)

Dmitry Yarotski  (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

Xiaoyang Zhu (Columbia University, New York, USA)


The program is online.


Conference venue in Bad Dürkheim

Conference Venue Bad Dürckheim



Ultrafast Nanooptics > UNO-3 Workshop Information Page